29 March 2010

Young Old Love

When the love bug bites

A person's heart starts to fly

No matter their age

New Beginnings - Redundant Irony

Today, a new home for you, my friend

loss of the old
the beautiful
memory-filled old,
hoping it never should end,
spilled into
internal scold: vague guilt
for leaving behind
what once was a new beginning.

Bitersweet joy
the fresh, the new
then here comes the old:
old furniture and art
clothing and pots

bringing the old to the new
begins possibility again

As the old
joins the new-to-you
(starts a fresh dream)
the redundance of feeling
fleeting through memory
the newness of being.
Yet we know the story.

Every day is a new beginning with familiar parts:
feelings fresh and old at the once
thoughts build on thoughts thought before
familiar friends change with time.

It's morning.
Open the door!